Professional Background
Deborah qualified as a Solicitor in 2008 having started her legal career in 2003 working in the Film & TV Department of top tier West End media law firm Davenport Lyons. Deborah joined Azorra in early 2022 and advises on all aspects of business law (commercial, corporate, data protection and employment).
Industry Experience
Prior to taking the plunge and becoming a lawyer, Deborah worked in PR/Marketing and production and has more than 20 years of experience in the creative industries. She has held legal and business affairs roles with leading media investment companies, advising on their funding of films, festivals and events.
She is a highly regarded entertainment law specialist and was previously described by The Times as ‘Best Supporting Lawyer” at the Cannes Film Festival no less!
Most Memorable Event
“That’s a difficult one. There are so many. As a student I went to everything, whether I knew the band/music or not. My college friend and our ‘Gazelles’ at the Blur Mile End gig in ’95. That was a truly epic experience -a festival in itself. Depeche Mode in Budapest in ‘93 was also particularly memorable. It was July, very hot and my friends and I went dressed very ‘holiday summery’ whilst the Hungarian Depeche Mode fans were in full on Goth/Death Metal gear (dyed black hair and dark clothing). We stuck out a bit, but it was fun.”
Gig You Wish You’d Seen
“Spinal Tap” the ‘sell out’ gig at New York City's Madison Square Garden. I mean, those guys went all the way to “eleven” (and plus I’m a big fan of Marty Di Bergi).”